Children's Ministry

Our Vision :

SWCBC Kids is a faith based community that connects local families to God’s Family

Our Mission :

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (ASV)


Vacation Bible School

 Registration is NOW Open!

A 1-week summer camp that combines a biblically rich VBS with off-the-chart irresistible fun. Children are provided a safe environment to learn and personally meet our creative, inspiring, and joy-giving God.

What to expect: At VBS, participants will have a good time in Bible Study, Crafts & Science, Games, and Music!  A big closing night performance by your kids on the last day of the camp, and parents are invited to attend!

Age: 3 years old (by 8/1/25) – 6th graders

Fee (Early Bird Special by 4/12/25): $25 for the 1st child, $10 per additional child (in the same household)

Fee (After 4/12/25): $35 for the 1st child, $10 per additional child (in the same household)

What’s included in the fee: T-shirt for each child

Payment Method: Checks can be made payable to SWCBC or QuickPay to Zelle ID:

Questions?  Please email us at

The official VBS promo video

Let’s see what these kids say about their experience in VBS last year at SWCBC
